Saturday, May 23, 2009

Our Quick Visit to Chicago

It seems like all of our traveling seems to center around eating. On Saturday morning before leaving for Eau Claire Cely and I took Adrienne and Alexis out for breakfast. This time we went to the Original Pancake House in the Gold Coast area. The Original Pancake House is a typical pancake house that started in Portland, OR. We never ate at that one but have eaten in franchizes in Milwaukee, Madison and now Chicago. This one in Chicago had a little extra with these seats outside. The weather was perfect and the people watching was great. After we ate Cely and I headed back to Eau Claire so that we could get some things done around the house. Weeds and the garden are anxious for my touch. The yard has been looking spectacular lately with everything in bloom. I need to make sure it stays that way.
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Friday, May 22, 2009

Feeling Like We Were on the A List

Tonight we are in Chicago for a quick visit with the girls. As soon as we got in everyone was ready to eat. Cely and the girls wanted to go to Piece Pizza, a restaurant on North Ave. in Wicker Park. When I walked up to the host to put our name on the waiting list I heard them tell the person in front of me that there would be a two hour wait. Yikes, we were all starving. Then the coolest thing happened, this guy who was working the host stand walked up to Alexis said hi and that he would get us right in. Alexis knew him, so he walked us past everyone in line and seated us immediately. It was very cool.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

In The Evening After Needed Storm

The apple trees looked particularly pretty this evening and the birds were possitively shouting with joy for having made it through another rain storm. They were all trying to see who could sing the prettiest song.

The yard looks so nice after I mow it. Too bad I hate mowing. Then there is the Creeping Charlie that adds that lovely purple tone to the green grass.

Monday, May 11, 2009

This for my sister in DC. Its cherry blossom time in Eau Claire!

Saturday, May 09, 2009


Chicago has really made their main streets look nice with flowers.

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Thursday, May 07, 2009

The McIntyre Library Ultimate Frisbee Team

Tonight I went and cheered for the Library Ultimate Frisbee team. It was their last game of this season. They scored their most goals for the year during this season. Congratulations team!

So I loaded this video of the team that I took. Well, I was actually trying to take a picture of the team but I haven't figured out my phone camera yet.