Saturday, March 11, 2006

Snow in Corvallis

This week we had the our first snowfall in Corvallis. It snowed Wednesday night and we woke up to a light covering of snow. It was to heavy and wet to call a dusting. Here are some pictures.
They are out our back door and the front. That's our Miata all covered with snow. I hate it getting snowed on but at least it doesn't get any salt. For a couple of days this week it was probably colder here than back in Iowa.
This was pretty ironic because over last weekend we drove up to the Cascades to look at the snow. They really got hit this week maybe next weekend we can go up again and watch the people ski.


Last weekend we watched 16 Blocks. It was pretty much the usual Bruce Willis fare. Saying that also means it was pretty exciting and entertaining. Cely and I both wondered if Mos Def really talks like that? I guess we need some help on the popular culture thing.

We saw a delightful English movie that we got from Netflix called Greenfingers starring Clive Owens. It is a 2000 film, based on a true story about a group of prisoners in an experimenta British prison and how they get interested in the ultimate English pastime, gardening. They eventually enter a prestigous gardening competition. One of the supporting actors is David Kelly of Waking Ned Devine fame. Seeing him on screen leads to comparisons with that movie. This one isn't quite as good but it does capture some of Ned's charm.

Last night it was Libertine with Johnny Depp. It started up slow but got rolling and was an excellent character study. Johnny Depp created an amazing portrayal of a man who really pays for his indiscretions. (tech note. Another one of the great Firefox extensions. I was spelling indiscretions wrong but couldn't figure out the correct spelling. So I used this dictionary extension you can load in Firefox. I just had to highlight the word and double click. It opens a dictionary. Of course, I had to get the spelling close.)

Today we were on a Kennedy assassination kick. It all started with seeing Joan Mellen on BookTV on CSPAN2. She has a book, Farewell to Justice, which talks about Jim Garrison's investigation of the assassination and the belief that it was a conspiracy hit set up by the CIA, Pentagon, FBI, and others. She draws some connections from the assassination to the situation today. It was interesting enough for us to go to the public library and pick up the book and to swing by Blockbusters to rent Oliver Stone's JFK. I have a hard time believing that something that big could be kept secret for so long but there is a lot there to make you wonder.

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