Sunday, October 29, 2006

Back in the QC

Right after the conference ended I drove to the airport and hopped a plane to Denver then on to Moline. For once I was able to get into the Quad Cities on Friday night instead of Saturday morning. When I was in Denver I went up to the gate desk and asked how packed the plane to Moline was. I was worried because the day before they cancelled about 91 flights because of a snow storm and I was afraid that they would be over booked. The gate attendant told me that the plane was full and there were two people ahead of me but she said she would call them and then see what she could do for me. She called and the two people did not come immediately up to the desk so she called me up and gave me a ticket to first class. When I was boarding there was a pilot and a woman with a small child in her arms. He was asking that the woman and child get on with only one seat. The desk attendant asked him if he wanted to get on this flight also. He said, "Yeah, I'm the pilot! I'm flying this plane. This is my wife and daughter." I heard his name and the wife and child were the people that the desk attendant had called when I was waiting to see if I could get on. The good news is that they got on the plane but until I saw them board I was afraid that I was going to get pulled off the plane.

The reason I went back this weekend is that June had just had her knee replacement. She was released from the hospital on Saturday. I had rented a car so Cely and I were able to take her home. She still has a way to go but is getting better. It was really hard for her to get into the car because her knee was still very tender. She will be starting physical therapy this week. Cely will be helping her out around the house for the next couple of weeks. On Saturday we were able to get some groceries but she won't have a car when I am gone.

Now I start the adventure of standby flying. The flights look like each one has open seats so I am hopeful that I will get back to Corvallis with no big drama. I have the Miata waiting for me at the airport so it should be a fun ride home. I just checked the weather, though, and it looks like rain. Go figure. It looks like the weather was good yesterday. CNN was showing highlights from the football game yesterday. The Beavers beat number 3 rated USC so they made big news! Go Beavs!

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