Saturday, March 10, 2007

Grey Gardens

Cely and I finally have decided to take a purely fun trip with our travel benefits and went to New York, NY this weekend to see the play Grey Gardens. I am writing from the Hotel Wellington as we are chilling out before going to bed. More on the play tomorrow but I had to write about the trip was a trip.t The plan was to take the reliable redeye out of Portland get to La Guardia in the morning, spend a relaxing day in the city and then go to the play. That didn't quite happen. For the first time we didn't get on the plane. Every other time, even when they seemed overbooked we got out. Not last night. We ended up staying in the La Quinta and trying again in the morning. The 6:30 plane looked more overbooked than the plane Friday night. I was getting worried but we got on right away. Everything looked good until we came to a halt on the taxi way and the pilot came on to say that they lost brakes and steering. We had to be towed back to the gate where they took 2 hours to work on the plane we finally got out but it wasn't looking good for getting into New York on time. At O'Hare we easily got on the plane but it was scheduled to get into La Guardia at 7 and the play started at 8. The plane landed at 7 on the dot. It looked impossible to make the play but we got a great cab driver. He weaved and bobbed across the bridge and through traffic crammed side streets. He even took two guys to school when they tried to cut him off. I always kid the girls about taking stupid drivers to school. He got us to the hotel at 7:48. We checked our bags with the bellhop and ran back to the street and grabbed a cab to the theater. The cabby dropped us off at the end of the street because it was a one way going the wrong way and we could walk it faster than the cab could get around the block. We ran to the theater and got in at 8:01. After all the delays and setbacks we both couldn't believe we made it. It was a pretty exciting trip. I will give my review next.

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