Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Adventures in the Life of a Librarian!

Monday night, right before Heroes I had a librarian moment. They don't come often but this one was really great. Monday has become my TV night. So I watch Chuck while waiting for Monday night the Chuck plot involved a clue hidden in the library at Stanford, the university that Chuck, the star of the show, got kicked out of on some trumped up charges. Well Chuck and his CIA type friends have to go back to Stanford to find an important secret disk. It all involves a professor who gets killed by a crossbow toting assassin and a number clue written on a piece of paper. It also involves a book, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, that Chuck still has checked out from that library. Its about 4 years overdue. Chuck looks at the book's call number and immediately realizes that the dead man's clue was a call number that will point them to where the disk is hidden in the Stanford library.

So, here is the librarian moment. The call number on Chucks book begins with HC 110... something. And I, of course, realized that this COULD NOT BE. Every other librarian watching the show that night would have know too that The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire would have had a call number in the DGs. That also reminded me that the number clue had a number first then a letter followed by more numbers. This, of course, was another gaff since it wasn't an LC number so it could not have lead to anything in the Stanford Library.

Adventures in the life of a librarian!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh. My. God. You ARE one of them!!!!!!!!! Please tell me that at the next ALA I'll not see you toting every free item in the hall along with myriad posters and wearing a flashing button on your lapel. Please. Do. Not.

On the other hand, I watch House largely to view the scene with the 8+ shell and coaching launch. That's my weekly rower's moment!!! Go spandex! Go skinny boats.
