Sunday, March 23, 2008

Springtime in Milwaukee

Friday Cely and I visited the girls in Milwaukee. In keeping with the ways of this winter they treated us to 11 inches of snow. It was an incredible snow. The local TV station went on at 4 in the morning to cover the snowfall. They kept talking about "thundersnow" but it didn't materialize. Too bad. That would have made it especially exciting.

We didn't let it keep us from going to see a good movie. We went to see a great movie at the Oriental, The Counterfeiter, based on the true story of the Nazi's using concentration camp inmates to counterfeit the British pound and later the US dollar. It was a nuanced study of the choices people must make in the most dire of circumstances. The Counterfeiter was one of those that come along too infrequently; one that is sophisiticated and both well written and fascinatingly acted.

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