Monday, August 04, 2008

Hardacre Film Festival

Friday night Cely and I went to the Hardacre Film Festival in Tipton, Iowa. Probably the most interesting movie we saw was Monster Camp. The documentary told the story of members of a NERO group in Seattle, WA. The group meets regularly in local state parks to escape their daily lives by enacting live action World of Warcraft events. They dress in full costume and makeup as monsters, undead and all forms of characters. It was a poignant movie. A student movie, "The Loneliest Place on Earth", was the most surprising. Done by an undergraduate student at Webster University outside St. Louis, this short film was subtle and sophisticated. I couldn't believe that an undergraduate had done it. I think the best thing about the entire night is just the fact that Tipton can put on such a quality event. We had fun being able to get together with Jim and Maria for such a unique experience.

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