Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Something New

I was reading a colleague's blog today and she had a map showing all the states she had visited. Whenever we went on family trips we would try and count up all the states we had been through so this was right up my alley. Here is my map.

create your own visited states map
I'm not crazy about how all the states I visited are red. I would have preferred blue. Now I think that in my family I would win the states competition (we are very competitive) but in the countries visited I am at a disadvantage, everyone in the family can top me I think but it is fun to have a map

create your own visited countries map

I love being able to have Panama and Ecuador on the map. Even though we just had a flight layover in Panama, I am still going to count it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nah, you win! Hands down. You've got that airline connection now and seem to be making good use of it.

Competitive? Not us. Just when I'm in a skinny boat.
Big Sis