Thursday, September 21, 2006

Denver and BCR

Today I was in Denver for the BCR Board of Trustee orientation meeting. Tomorrow is the full board meeting and promises to be pretty interesting. I don't have much to say about it just that Denver still holds a special place for me. As I was working in my hotel room this afternoon I was able to look out the window and see these spectacular clouds form and dissapate leaving Mt. Evans to appear and disappear in the mists. The Rockies are truly spectacular. They don't have that in your face quality of the Alps and the Cascades have a different, individualism based on their volcanic ancestry but the Rocky Mountains are just so vast and continuing.

In terms of library stuff, it will be interesting to be on the board because I will need to keep in mind how I can use this activity to benefit OSU. First off, I think it will be in finding out what kind of training they can help us with as we move into new areas and need to train staff as their assignments evolve. Serving on the BCR Board now will be interesting because the issue of how OCLC interacts with the networks is still up in the air. Brenda Bailey-Hainer seems to have a smart outlook on the entire issue and knows that they will need to be looking towards developing new revenue sources in case OCLC drastically alters its relationship with the networks. This promises to be a challenge for the future.

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