Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Its Sunday and that must mean that I am in an airplane or trying to get on an airplane. After the BCR meeting in Denver I flew to Moline in order to pick Cely up and bring her back to Corvallis. My flight was delayed because we were waiting for a plane from Chicago and there were thunderstorms and hints of tornados in the Midwest. I didn’t get into Moline until 12:35 in the morning. Since Alexis is in Milwaukee and no longer in Iowa City she couldn’t come to pick me up. Everyone else that we know in the Quad Cities is like us and 12:30 is way past our bedtime. So I ended up taking a cab and it cost $32.00. It killed me to have to pay those big city rates in the Quad Cities. The nice thing about this trip was that I got to see Tony Cardoso. I hadn’t visited with him in quite a while. He has been busy exploring a new medium for his creative talents lately and has really hit on something. He has been painting gourds. Any description I write does not do justice to how beautiful his pieces are. I hope that he will provide me with some pictures that I can use here. He has a piece in a gallery in Atlanta and three pieces in the Bucktown Galleries in Davenport.

Today Cely and I had a hard time getting out of Moline, which was really stressful but once we got out to Chicago things went really well and we got on the first available flight to Portland. I am writing this on the plane to be loaded later so I don’t know if our luck will hold out in Portland. We have to catch a plane to Eugene because I flew out of there to go to the BCR meeting in Denver. I don’t think I will be doing that again. Its hard enough getting back to Portland let alone adding another leg to our travels.

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