Monday, September 04, 2006

Trip to DC and Milwaukee

WashingtonDCMilwaukee 017
Originally uploaded by jpollitz.
I'm behind the times again. A couple of weeks ago Adrienne had some days off so we went out to visit her and do some touristy stuff. Fortunately Lin could get some time off on Wednesday and she took us in her boat on the Severn river all the way up to Annapolis. The next day we went to the Mall in DC and went to the Natural History Museum of the Smithsonian and the National Gallery. When we left the gallery we saw this car that the local pigeons must have thought made a great toilet. They chose this car and none of the others around it.

I didn't realize how fantastic the National Gallery is. We kept running into paintings that we recognized. They had a wonderful traveling exhibit of Bellini, Giorgione, Titian and the Renaissance of Venetian Painting. It was very impressive. On Friday we went to visit Mount Vernon, ate at Zed's Ethopian restaurant. They had pictures on the wall of Hilary Clinton, Clint Eastwood, and others. This is the only place where I have eaten Ethopian food but would recommend it to anyone visiting DC.

On Saturday we flew to Chicago on the plane Adrienne was working. It was so much fun to see her in action. Then we took a short trip to Milwaukee to visit Lex for the day. It happened that the Mexican Fiesta was going on that weekend so we went downtown to get some food, hear some music and listen to the grito contest. In the evening we went to see Little Miss Sunshine at the Oriental Theater. The movie was very charming and the theater, a renovated 1927 old building was fantastic, complete with six huge buddhas with lighted jewels in their navels and set into the walls around the main seating area. Here is a picture of Lex at the grito contest.

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