Monday, January 16, 2006

Lexie and Adrienne

We took Lexie to Seattle to fly back to the Midwest. We drove up on Friday night and it looks like we average making the trip in 4 hours. So we ended up just sleeping in the hotel and getting up at 4:30 to make the departure time. The US Airways flight was full so we were nervous about her catching the flight. The guy at the counter was extremely helpful. He listed us so that Cely and I could to to the gate and wait with Lex. Fortunately, she got on the flight and actually the trip went perfectly. After we dropped her off we left and headed home. Cely and I decided that we could relive our midwest roots and eat breakfast at the Village Inn around Portland. There are not too many Village Inns out here so we ended up driving for two hours before breakfast. And of course, there is a Ritz Cinema in the shopping center by the VI. We went over and saw that Cassanova was playing. So we just popped in and caught the 11:00 am showing. It was great fun! The movie was very intertaining. Heath Ledger was a good Cassanova. I enjoy those period based adventure, romantic comedies.

I guess it was a Heath Ledger weekend because last night we watched Broke Back Mountain. It lived up to the hype. The story was really well done and the acting was moving. I think it captured the complexity of the relationship and how many times people get trapped into there circumstances by the society around them. It is just too bad that they could not live the life that would have brought them happiness.

Adrienne is going to begin training for United soon. I hope that it will be a better situation for her. It looks that way. It sure will be nice for us. We will be able to continue to fly easily to Moline! We will just have to be grounded for a month or so. Waahhh!

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