Tuesday, June 26, 2007

House Hunting in Eau Claire

Today we spent the day looking at houses in Eau Claire's 3rd Ward area. This is going to be a difficult decision for us. We have 4 houses plus the one we look at tomorrow that all have their own negatives and positives. We are committed to living in the 3rd Ward as all the houses are unique and it is an area where walking to campus will be easy. We are leaning to a house that has a studio above the garage. I guess Cely and I will have to take up painting or something. Tomorrow we look at a bungalow that looks great on the Web. That has been the interesting thing about looking for a house in Eau Claire. Everything actually is better in person than it appears to be on the Web. I haven't taken any pictures of the house.

We were going to take in a movie tonight but the whole choosing a home thing drained us.

More to follow.

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