Friday, June 29, 2007

We Found a House in Eau Claire

Yesterday we had our offer accepted for a great house in Eau Claire. It only took us two days to make the deal. The house is in great shape and includes all the appliances. That's pretty good since we are leaving ours in Corvallis. The house is located in the 3rd Ward area of Eau Claire which is right next to the University. I will be able to walk to work. We are already planning where to put our furniture.

Today Cely and I are stuck in O'Hare trying to catch a flight to Portland. Everyone in Chicago wants to go there it seems. So far we have missed two flights and have 3 more chances. The last flight leaves about 10pm. If we don't get one of those we will have to go through the same thing again tomorrow. The nice thing was that we were able to visit Nancy and Jim and our niece and nephews. I will have some pictures when I can upload them at home. I haven't seen them for quite awhile. We got to see little Richie and the newest, Nicholas. All were very cute. Pictures to follow.

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