Thursday, June 07, 2007

Our Next Move

Cely and I are getting ready to pull up roots again. Actually we are going back to where are roots are deeper, I guess. I think I'm stretching the metaphor pretty thin here.

We are getting ready to move to Eau Claire Wisconsin. I have accepted the position of Library Director at McIntyre Library at the University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire. Both Cely and I are really excited about moving there. The job seems as close to perfect as one could hope for and the community is wonderful. Cely and I went to visit over Memorial Day. We felt a little foolish making a visit there when I still didn't know if they would offer me the position but we couldn't help ourselves. We figured if I didn't get the job we would at least have had a nice little trip over the Memorial Day weekend. This is another reason that we are so happy that Adrienne works for United.

I wanted Cely to see what everything looked like in case they did offer me the job. She gave it a big thumbs up. It is in a beautiful confluence of the Chippewa and the Eau Claire rivers. The University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire is in a beautiful location in the city and on the banks of the Chippawa. Everyone I met there was very nice and welcoming.

So now it looks like we are going to have to build a new blog or rename this one to John and Cely in Wisconsin. More to come.

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