Thursday, June 14, 2007

Leaving Oregon

Things are moving rather quickly now. Tuesday afternoon we placed our house on the market with Sara Cyrus from Town and Country Realtors. By that evening we had two realtors show our house. Then yesterday someone else brought people through. I sure hope this is a good sign. We still have to find a house in Eau Claire. There are some great houses there. We are hoping to find something in the 3rd Ward area. It is just south of campus with a great selection of houses where none really look the same. I could walk to the library every day.

We spent this weekend painting the "girls" bedroom white; it had been pink, and the salmon colored wall in the living room a pumpkin brown. Both look a lot better. We are trying to stage our house by getting all the clutter out. Its amazing how nice the place looks without magazines and photocopies of half-read articles all over the place. We ended up taking 4 PT Cruiser loads of boxes and junk to a storage shed.

Here's a before picture of our living room wall. I'll have to take an after picture.

1 comment:

Jill Markgraf said...

I recommend the 3rd Ward wholeheartedly! We love the sense of community and the convenience. We hope you'll be a neighbor. Let me know if I can scope anything out for you. Check out our website at --Jill