Sunday, June 17, 2007

We Sold the House

It only took three days to sell our house! We listed it on Tuesday afternoon and by Friday evening we had accepted the first offer. It was for exactly what we asked. Cely and I had worked really hard last weekend to get it looking good. We painted the walls. This is what the girls' room and the living room looked like after painting.

We have to wait for the house inspection before it is a sure thing but everything should be cool and it sounds like the woman who bought our house has already been approved for a loan to buy it. She will be teaching at OSU in the Fall so it should work out just great. Now we have to look for a place to buy in Eau Claire. I don't think the sale has really sunk in yet. I guess it will soon. Here are some more pictures of the house. We took some while the house was "staged" it looked so nice and clutter free.

The house doesn't look like much from the outside but I think the backyard and the high ceilinged living room make it a very cozy place.

To celebrate the sale of the house we drove up to Portland to see a movie. It was one of the best movies we have seen this year. Once is a new form of musical. It was a true delight. The story is about a Dublin street musician trying to record the songs he has written and a Czech woman who helps him do it. It is sort of a love story but more a story about love and relationships. The ending is surprising and very romantic. The music fills the plot and tells the story of the Guy (Glen Hansard) and the Girl (Markéta Irglová). (They don't get names in the movie.) Hansard had a part in The Commitments and is lead singer for the Frames. The reviews have been stellar so don't take my word for it. If you get a chance go and see this very special movie.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You lucky dog! Won't tell Jimmy, his sale fell through :( Back on the market again! Market must be worse here.